Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (265 - 267 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#603 Invalid 100% cpu usage when download speed is limited andar

when download speed is limited, deluged fully loads one cpu core this happened on all deluge versions I tried, including 1.0.0-1.0.5 and 1.1.0-devr4202

#604 WontFix Option to recheck downloads once complete andar anonymous

I quite often have issues with completed torrents containing some corrupt files (usually larger torrents, say >1Gb).

This can currently be fixed by manually forcing a recheck from the right click menu and then downloading the corrupt pieces again (usually only 1-2%).

It would be useful to have an option to automatically recheck downloads when they complete and if errors are found add them back into the queue until the torrent completes without error.


#605 Fixed Rename completed download then restarting daemon causes torrent to download again andar anonymous
  1. Downloaded to 100%
  1. Renamed the downloaded file using GTK-GUI which worked fine.
  1. Restarted the daemon and Deluge decided that it hadn't downloaded the file at all so began again.

Renaming the file it was trying to download to that in step 2 did not work. Nor did forcing a recheck. Had to pause the seeds.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
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