Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2822 Duplicate core renato

Not loading

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/local/bin/deluge", line 9, in <module>

load_entry_point('deluge', 'gui_scripts', 'deluge')()

File "/media/disk/deluge/deluge/ui/", line 57, in start_ui

options = parser.parse_args(deluge.common.unicode_argv()[1:])

File "/media/disk/deluge/deluge/ui/", line 150, in parse_args

if self.process_group:

AttributeError: 'BaseArgParser' object has no attribute 'process_group'

#2824 WontFix Adding torrents from file or url web gui svefro

There should be a seperate button for adding torrent from file or from url in the web gui. The gui should come prefilled with clipboard contens if adding from url. Now i have to first click add, then url, then put focus in the text box and then press add. This is a big hazzle when adding multiple torrents or magnet url's

#2825 WorksForMe Deluge Web UI Issues elsuiv

Hi There,

I am having some recent issues with the deluge web UI. Generally I was accessing my seedbox via Deluge Web Client (rather than the desktop client), and as of last week I cannot connect at all, with an error message stating "The connection to the webserver has been lost!" almost immediately upon log in. None of the credentials have changed, this issue persists across 3 computers, using both Chrome & I.E. A bit of google-fu has left me stumped as to why I keep getting this issue. I have now downloaded and successfully setup/accessed my seedbox using the Deluge Desktop Client with no issues. Have you had any recent issues with the web client that you may be aware of?

Many thanks, Chris M

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