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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#93 Invalid Ignore Queueing Options for torrents andar


this relates to the nightly snapshots.

I generally want to stop seeding once the ratio has reached 2.5. But there are a few files, I want to continue seeding forever. It would be nice to have a way to exempt them from the "stop at 2.5" preference.



#96 Fixed tags andar marcjank

there should be a plugin that allows you to tag/categorize your torrents, and organize them by how you tagged them. Viewing differently tagged torrents in different tabs as well would be pretty amazing.

A good example would be the way utorrent does this.

#109 Fixed gtk client over ssh crashes core andar


thanks for the awesome rework of deluge and the split into core and UI. This is very useful for me, I run deluge on a headless machine. I have found a way to reliably crash deluged (my version is the nightly 2988 on gutsy). Below, I will detail all steps. I assume that some of them are not necessary to reproduce the problem (I assume screen is an example)

1) deluge runs on my headless machine rie. I log in via "ssh -X rie" to enable X forwarding. 2) I run a screen session 3) I start deluged in a window of screen 4) "deluge -u web" 5) "deluge -u gtk" 6) browse the gtk UI. Quit (not close, but quit without shutting down core) deluge. 7) Ctrl+A Ctrl+D to leave screen, ready for reattachment 8) Ctrl+D to log out of ssh session.

I am then not returned to the local console, something is hanging (I assume it has to do with some leftover from the X forward from the gtk ui). deluged then crashes.



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