Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (268 - 270 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2936 Invalid Can't select directories on server raffomania

When running deluge on a server, on some of my client machines the file chooser widget in the preferences just shows a text input.

On others, it shows a button that opens a dialog, showing my local files, making it impossible to select directories on the server.

#2934 WorksForMe free disk space renato

The free disk space displays "error " message on gtk and web server

#2932 Fixed Cannot set label via WebUI Kyle Lucy

I am unable to set labels through the label plugin through the WebUI. I can set them without issue through the desktop application (Windows 10), and through Transdroid (Android 7.1). The server is running Deluge 1.3.13, the desktop client is 1.3.12, although this issue has persisted for months.

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