Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (268 - 270 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#610 Fixed UPNP failing with Netgear WPN824v2 andar vivaelamor

First time I've used a 1.x version (1.0.5) and UPNP is failing with my Netgear router. It was working on the version in the ubuntu repository (0.5.x I think?).

I have done a compile with UPNP logging enabled and it shows the router being sent an extra / in the URL:

If I try that URL in a browser it comes up with the router login. If I take out the extra / it comes up with a blank page ready for the POST.

I have attached the log.

#611 Duplicate UPNP failing with Netgear WPN824v2 andar vivaelamor

First time I've used a 1.x version (1.0.5) and UPNP is failing with my Netgear router. It was working on the version in the ubuntu repository (0.5.x I think?).

I have done a compile with UPNP logging enabled and it shows the router being sent an extra / in the URL: http: Public_UPNP_C3

If I try that URL in a browser it comes up with the router login. If I take out the extra / it comes up with a blank page ready for the POST.

I have attached the log.

#612 Duplicate UPNP failing with Netgear WPN824v2 andar vivaelamor

First time I've used a 1.x version (1.0.5) and UPNP is failing with my Netgear router. It was working on the version in the ubuntu repository (0.5.x I think?).

I have done a compile with UPNP logging enabled and it shows the router being sent an extra / in the URL:

If I try that URL in a browser it comes up with the router login. If I take out the extra / it comes up with a blank page ready for the POST.

I have attached the log.

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