Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (271 - 273 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#273 WorksForMe Multiple instances of deluge possible markybob anonymous

On Ubuntu 8.04 32-bit

This problem has existed for some time, but I didn't notice because I was using a workaround (telling Deluge to watch a directory and having Firefox download to that directory rather than having Firefox launch Deluge.)

If I launch deluge through GNOME, and I try to launch deluge again through GNOME (by clicking an icon in the panel, through a menu, through alt-F2, etc.) then Deluge behaves properly. It sees that an instance of deluge already exists and won't launch another instance.

However, if I launch deluge through Firefox or through gnome-terminal, Deluge fails to see that an instance already exists and launches a duplicate instance.

I don't think this should happen ;p

#274 Fixed Move Torrent plugin works intermittently andar simonbcn

I've enabled the move torrent plugin to move completed torrents between folders in the same partition.
It works in most cases but sometimes not, with no clear pattern.
There are other users with the same problem:

#275 Invalid Deluge can`t continue downloading of fully allocated file, if there is not enough space on target partition markybob Mine`s Ocean Effect

I downloaded 83% of an .iso (total size is 4.4 Gb) with uTorrent under Windows, with option enabled "Full allocation of disk space". When I tried to continue to download it under linux with Deluge, after re-check Deluge said that I dont have enough space to continue download (its true, but the space already allocated on partition).

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