Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (271 - 273 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#335 Fixed can not connect to ipv6 only tracker andar

I tested deluge against this tracker 0.6svn hung with: "Tracker Status: Announce Sent"

The client says: Alarm: SixXS IPv6 BitTorrent Tracker: This tracker only serves IPv6 clients, you are coming from x.x.x.x (HTTP-Code=400, Anzahl in der Reihe=3)

Deluge only send a ipv4 announce.

#3432 Fixed Cannot create account, cannot send message on #help in irc kenjibailly


I need some help with my Deluge. I'd like to use the forums or IRC as support. Unfortunately the register page for the forum asks a question that points to another question above it. There's no question above it. I cannot register. I tried the IRC, but I cannot send messages in #help. Not sure why?

Any help?

#2211 Fixed Cannot disable downloading of individual files Chase atrigent

If I set specific files in a torrent to "Do not download", the setting is remembered but the files continue to download. The torrent overall acts as if no files have been set as do not download.

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