Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (274 - 276 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1009 Fixed Enabling a plugin adds two items of the same name to the "Categories" view andar squisher

Using rev. 5707, when I enable a plugin it gets added twice to the categories column on the left. When I disable it, one copy gets removed, but the second one stays.

#1079 Fixed Please catch SIGHUP and reopen the log file andar squisher

When running deluge with -L debug all the time, a lot of log output is generated. I'd like to use logrotate for that reason, but since deluge doesn't notice the rename of the log file, it keeps using the old one.

#1169 Invalid Clicking the notification area icon does not show deluge when it is hidden squisher

Clicking the notification area icon used to hide / show the deluge window. I think since 1.2.1 it will only hide the window, but not show it any more. I have to right-click the icon, and click "Show Deluge" to get the window back.

Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.