Custom Query (2447 matches)
Results (277 - 279 of 2447)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#620 | Fixed | Allow creation of new folders in the files tab | ||
Description |
There should be a way of creating new folders to put stuff in in the files tab. I am aware that renaming a file to "something/" will put it in a new folder, but this is rather awkward and isn't very convenient if you need to put a lot of stuff in a new folder. I guess the new folder wouldn't really be real until something was put into it. |
#624 | Fixed | Ubuntu priority display | ||
Description |
In ubuntu when changing a files priority the display does not change, ie. it remains as 'Normal Priority' with the green icon. Internally however it does seem to change as files set to 'Do Not Download' don't download. |
#625 | Invalid | Downloads lost after PC crash | ||
Description |
I have noticed if my pc crashes while downloading anything the percentage downloaded returns to what it was last time deluge was safely closed. I understand if this is a feature, but can you implement something that writes out what has been downloaded every x minutes? |