Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (283 - 285 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3369 Duplicate Statusbar Height forgotten on Restart Spazmunki13

Deluge: 2.0.4.dev23

When closing and reopening Deluge GTK, the statusbar height is set to 50% of what it was set to before closing. Opening and closing multiple times results in a little statusbar.

Enabled Plugins:

  • Label
  • Autoadd

Installed using pacman.

#614 Fixed deluged segfaults when starting as of rev 4244 andar

Something in libtorrent is causing a segfault as of rev 4244. I can update the rest of deluge with no issues.

#682 Fixed Some Queue Prefs in AJAX UI Don't Work Damien Churchill

I found a few preference items in the AJAX UI that either don't work or don't correctly show the right configuration details...

#1. "Seed Time Ratio" always shows the value of "Stop seeding when ratio reaches:" instead of whatever the value for Seed Time Ratio actually is. It can be set/viewed in the GTK UI. Changing "Seed Time Ratio" in the GTK UI also causes "Stop seeding when ratio reaches:" to be changed.

#2. "Remove Torrent When Seed Ratio Reached" always is unset in the AJAX UI. If it is checked off and then settings are saved it will be cleared next time you return to the settings.

Batch Modify
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