Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (283 - 285 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#631 Invalid Deluge does not support HTTPS trackers andar

When i try to use a torrent that uses a https tracker all i get in the "Torrent Status" is bad address.

https trackers are becoming more and more frequent, so please support this.

#632 Fixed Doesn't load torrents with some special characters in path name andar anonymous

Deluge fails to add torrents with some special characters in path name. For example characters: ä and ö.

Nothing happens when I try to load those torrents, no error message. Log file says:

[DEBUG ] 19:18:38 addtorrentdialog:184 Attempting to open C:\Documents and Settings\User\Työpöytä\blaa.torrent for add.

[WARNING ] 19:18:38 addtorrentdialog:193 Unable to open C:\Documents and Settings\User\Työpöytä\blaa.torrent: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:
Documents and Settings

I'm using Deluge 1.0.6 and win xp SP3.

#633 Fixed Deluge freezes and all torrents disappear andar BoyHowdy

Deluge sort of freezes and all the torrents disappear. The program remains active as clicking on the tray icon brings up the GUI but with no torrents. The program also refuses to close via normal methods when goofed.

When restarted the torrents are back but Deluge rechecks all active torrents and anything downloaded since the last normal closing is lost.

This only seems to happen when a downloading torrent attains a high download speed

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