Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (286 - 288 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2907 Invalid Doesn't respect RequiresMountFor frankferrer

At the bottom of the [systemd setup]( are configuration commands that are supposed to stop the Deluge service from running when a listed mount is not mounted. But on boot, systemctl status deluged shows the service as running even though systemctl -t mount clearly does not have the set volume in its list of mounts. So it doesn't appear to be doing its job.

Ubuntu MATE 16.04, latest updates, Rasp Pi 3.

#2905 Invalid deluge libtorrent renato

When compiling deluge git with libtorrent 1.1.1 installed i get this:

media/disk/deluge/deluge/ RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<libtorrent::alert> already registered; second conversion method ignored.

import libtorrent as lt

Found libtorrent version: running develop running egg_info creating deluge.egg-info

and with console command i get this:

firefox-server:/media/disk/deluge$ deluge-console --username=xxxxxxx --password=xxxxxx "info -v" /media/disk/deluge/deluge/ RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<libtorrent::alert> already registered; second conversion method ignored.

import libtorrent as lt

seems all working but everytime i get this error and in the main info window libtorrent is reported as 1.1.0

very strange.

#2904 Duplicate Memory leaks Radoslav

Yet another case, as I see in the tracker. I'm using Win 10 x64 bit with Deluge 1.3.12 and later - 1.3.13.

I noticed this as after 1-2 days my system commmit reaches 16Gb and everything becomes very sluggish and I even cannot start the Task manager (annoying Windows... but that's another story). I have started to monitor the system and turning on/off various applications. Then I found out that when I start Deluge it starts to exhaust memory 300-400Mb per 30 minutes.

In Deluge I have only one torrent of 200Gb, composed of few hundred 100-200Mb files. My upload is like 300-400Kb/s. When I pause the seed, the leak stops.

Btw, it could be something system related as I do not see the deluge process claiming the memory.

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