Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (286 - 288 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#616 Duplicate UPnP fails in 64 bit ubuntu package andar

i just downloaded the deb package for ubuntu hardy then installed and ran deluge. every port test fails, even after tweaking settings in the preferences dialogue.

i know UPnP works on my router as other apps, including the transmission bt client, can use it fine.

#647 Duplicate Seeding - bad share ratio andar


I found that share ratio is always infinite, when I'm only seeding torrent. I expect, that share ratio is not counted only from "Upload/Download" size (bec. Download = 0), but "Upload/Size" in case of seeding. This is behaviour of 0.x line of Deluge and I like it.

Currently, there is no indicator of seed ratio. I have to check "Uploaded" manually on torrent tab.

#649 Duplicate Left column in preferences dialog is not localizated andar anonymous

Strings in left column in the preferences dialog, are not localizated See:

Ex: Network is not localizated, wherever Rete is Network should be Rete but there is no Network string to localize (excluding <b><i><big>Network</big></i></b> which is the caption already translated as <b><i><big>Rete</big></i></b>)

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