Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (286 - 288 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2885 Fixed Unable to scrape tracker derhoch

In the Logs I noticed the following message:

Unable to scrape tracker: Python argument types in


did not match C++ signature:

scrape_tracker(libtorrent::torrent_handle {lvalue}, int)

This prevents the seeds and peers to be scraped properly from the tracker.

#3019 Duplicate unable to save proxy info Anunnaki40

it keeps getting deleted when i try to save except the top line. im using windows 7 64 bit.

#791 Invalid Unable to run on Vista 32 markybob Noneya

Installed the latest version, 32 bit msi. It installed 107MB in my programs folder, but Deluge would not run. I'd get an empty black cmd box pop up for a quick second. I installed as Admin, ran as Admin, still won't work. I double checked that I had the windows 32 msi installer. The files look like uncompiled linux files.

Vista Home Premium 32 bit HP Core 2 Quad

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.