Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (289 - 291 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#991 Invalid Cannot set upload speed to -1 in AJAX WebUI Damien Churchill

For some reason, one cannot write a minus sign (-) in any of the textboxes in the preference dialog. This basically means it's impossible to set the upload speed to unlimited (actually it is possible but it's ugly, see bug #990).

One should be able to write -1.0 or Unlimited in the field, just like you can in the normal WebUI.

This is with Deluge 1.1.9 compiled from SVN.

#1841 Duplicate cannot unselect a label do see all torrent in webui Damien Churchill Mathieu Rochette

once a label is selected in the webui, we can't unselect it (or select some "any label")

#2498 WontFix Cannot unset 'Automatically Add torrents on connect' awknaust

Once you set this in the queued torrents dialog, you will never be able to see the dialog again, which is the only place to set/unset this value.

Workaround is to toggle 'autoadd_queued' in your gtkui.conf

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