Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (292 - 294 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2899 Duplicate Not able to choose language. Mokkun

For me, the program Chooses Systems language, And have no way in options of choosing English. Please fix the missing Language selection in options. The Norwegian translation is incoherently written and horribly poorly done, should not be the default on Norwegian Windows installs.

#2895 Fixed Daemon deadlocks on start-up/shutdown when using SSL trackers Animazing

Hi guys,

I have been trying to diagnose a problem happening over multiple Deluge and Libtorrent versions but I'm getting stuck and could use some pointers.

Since a week or so I have multiple Deluge instances locking up on multiple servers (all Ubuntu 14.04) when the clients are using SSL trackers. It will either get stuck during boot or during shutdown. I could only replicate it with more then 3 torrents, with just one or two nothing happened.

sed-ing all the https announce urls to http solves it.

This happens on Deluge 1.3.6 to 1.3.13 and libtorrent 0.16.x to 1.0.1. Since it happens on almost every combination possible I'm assuming there is something else on my servers interfering with the normal operation. I did notice an unattended upgrade for openssl but even when downgrading the problems kept happening.

Any hints as to how to debug this further would be greatly welcomed.

#2892 Duplicate Deluge crash after something pavlukivan

Everything was working fine, Then I closed Deluge and opened it again.

Problem Event Name: BEX

Application Name: deluge.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 530bd002

Fault Module Name: MSVCR90.dll

Fault Module Version: 9.0.30729.4940

Fault Module Timestamp: 4ca2ef57

Exception Offset: 0006ccb5

Exception Code: c0000417

Exception Data: 00000000

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1049

Additional Information 1: d701

Additional Information 2: d7018a09a1179b12f56762cb7997c403

Additional Information 3: 5dff

Additional Information 4: 5dff3e819b440c7edbbdc013c8dc7a2d

It looks like it's crashing on

74631641 and dword ptr ds:[7465D7A0h],0

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