Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (292 - 294 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1110 Fixed Can't choose files to download via WebUI Damien Churchill Space-monkey

Hi there. First of all sorry for my bad english. So the problem appears when I try to select which files from .torrent I'd like to download. In fact, there is no differences if I choose one file or two - deluge will download all the files which are listed in .torrent file. Problem appears in rc3, rc4, rc5. Used FF 3.5.6 and Opera 10.10 Although there is another bug: I can't add .torrent file using Opera: progress bar keeps running and running but there is no result. But in FF it's all ok.

#1340 Duplicate "move storage" issue Space-monkey

Greetings, well, the problem is that when you moving something with the "move storage" option, upload speed becomes 0. Btw, I think it may be useful to add "movement bar(?)" - where you can check how much you have to wait to move the file and it's destination. Thanks.

#1385 Duplicate Doesnt save the size of configure-window. soupault

After restarting Deluge, config-window's size becomes default. Its very annoying.

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