Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (292 - 294 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#294 Fixed Error when deleting "auto-download" torrent markybob

Version is I've accidentaly deleted my "auto download" folder and now deluge doesn't want to start

lafontaine@lafontaine-desktop:~$ deluge
no existing Deluge session
Starting new Deluge session...
deluge_core; using libtorrent Compiled with NDEBUG.
Applying preferences
save uploaded memory
Pickling state...
Scanning plugin dir /usr/share/deluge/plugins
Initialising plugin TorrentNotification
Initialising plugin Search
Initialising plugin TorrentCreator
Initialising plugin NetworkGraph
Initialising plugin MoveTorrent
Initialising plugin EventLogging
Initialising plugin Scheduler
Initialising plugin TorrentPeers
Initialising plugin BlocklistImport
Initialising plugin DesiredRatio
Initialising plugin WebSeed
Initialising plugin TorrentFiles
Initialising plugin WebUi
Initialising plugin FlexRSS
Initialising plugin SpeedLimiter
Initialising plugin NetworkHealth
Applying preferences
Showing window
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/deluge", line 132, in <module>
  File "/usr/bin/deluge", line 116, in start_deluge
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/deluge/", line 1034, in start
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/deluge/", line 1101, in update
    for filename in os.listdir(self.config.get("default_autoload_path")):
OSError: [Errno 2] Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type: '<Here is my auto download folder>'

#295 WorksForMe Deluge not downloading complete blocks markybob

This is the issue explained here:

Deluge is not completing the blocks during downloading any torrents, leading to much smaller file completion reports than overall completion, difficulty in seeding, and potential huge data loss on any recheck. (Which happened to me once)

Probably the same bug also means files marked "Highest" are not much faster to download than others, or at least take much longer than they did before.

Possibly this is a new/'improved' parts selecting algorithm?

(I have submitted this under "critical", as I believe it is a critical issue, however I am unfamiliar with this system, so please change it if you do not agree.)

#296 Fixed Allow setting TOS/QoS parameters. andar

Setting ToS can be extremely handy for routers supporting traffic shaping options etc, to allow qualifying all data as throughput for example. This becomes increasingly important as more bittorrent data is using random ports and encryption.

And it should be very easy to implement.

rtorrent (using the same library?) supports this for example: tos = default|lowdelay|throughput|reliability|mincost, tos = hex

Change the TOS of peer connections, by default set to throughput. If the option is set to default then the system default TOS is used. A hex value may be used for non-standard settings.

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