Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (292 - 294 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#642 Invalid Adding column to peers tab andar

I want to see 'completion' column (with peer's completion percentage) in peers tab. I mean that is very functional.

#643 Fixed "move completed to" moves already completed torrents andar

I added a torrent of a file I already had the data for just to seed. I noticed later that Deluge had moved the data from that torrent to the location specified in Preferences>Downloads>Move Completed To.

I would think the desired behavior would be for "Move Completed To" to ignore torrents that are already 100% complete after being added and the data is checked.

I am using Deluge on Ubuntu 8.10 with all updates.

#644 Invalid "Move storage" keeps to much details about the previously used path andar stefanffm

When you move Data around different Directories it keeps the previously used path and can only be tricked to get rid of it.

How to reproduce: Move one torrent to /my/files/subdir1 when you now try to move another torrent to /my/files/ they will be moved to /my/files/subdir1

Workaround: Before Moving to final destination browse to some other path like /tmp and the back to /my/files/

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