Custom Query (97 matches)


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Results (26 - 50 of 97)

1 2 3 4

Resolution: Fixed (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2218 Use 0.16 libtorrent extension bindings or remove ut pex option bug critical Core master
#2241 Can't add any torrent files with GUI running bug major Core master
#2247 AttributeError in deluge.error.DaemonRunningError Bro bug minor Core master
#2277 get_torrent_status ignores plugins - Bug in commit 8c106ce8c4c0794ddd63e8e8f98b097221a56a52 bug critical Core master
#2400 Torrent isn't auto managed yet stops when reaching ratio 1, refuses to resume (need force start behaviour) OmegaPhil bug minor Core 1.3.6
#2448 Resume data is saved individually for all torrents on startup bug major Core develop
#2733 : on_alert_performance - UnicodeDecodeError bug minor Core develop
#1204 gtkui doesn't show the torrents of a label/tracker defect major GTK UI 1.3.0_dev
#1606 [win32] High CPU usage with low activity bug major GTK UI 1.3.1
#1786 deluge not loading s0undt3ch bug major GTK UI 1.3.0_dev
#1814 allow localhost logins without password s0undt3ch bug minor GTK UI master
#1815 GTK UI Automatic connect s0undt3ch bug critical GTK UI master
#1817 deluge-gtk bug minor GTK UI master
#1818 Quit & Shutdown not working when not connected to daemon s0undt3ch bug minor GTK UI master
#1819 Cannot open connection manager with clean config s0undt3ch bug critical GTK UI master
#1848 Split Up ALL glade files s0undt3ch bug minor GTK UI master
#1867 Options Tab Apply not working s0undt3ch bug minor GTK UI master
#1873 gtk torrent options s0undt3ch bug critical GTK UI master
#1874 gtk not loading s0undt3ch bug blocker GTK UI master
#1889 deluge-gtk not loading bug blocker GTK UI master
#1891 deluge gtk no options working s0undt3ch bug blocker GTK UI master
#1945 Mutable default argument in deluge.ui.client.DaemonSSLProxy.__init__ Calum bug trivial GTK UI master
#1957 Columns don't add resulting in keyerror for non-latin languages Calum bug major GTK UI 1.3.3
#2055 Change encryption UI labels and clickability bug trivial GTK UI other (please specify)
#2082 validate ip address for interface entry bug minor GTK UI 1.3.4
(more results for this group on next page)
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