Custom Query (263 matches)


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Results (226 - 250 of 263)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Resolution: Duplicate (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2340 Crash when removing a torrent bug minor Unknown 1.3.3
#2316 Crash: _gdk_win32_drawable_finish: assertion failed bug minor GTK UI 1.3.6
#2874 console-ui update trackers feature-request trivial Console UI
#2388 Can't open a torrent file with an unicode filename directly from browser bug minor GTK UI 1.3.6
#2051 Can't hide/show columns if they has not latin letters. bug minor Unknown other (please specify)
#1461 Can't exit bug major Unknown other (please specify)
#1841 cannot unselect a label do see all torrent in webui Damien Churchill bug minor Web UI master
#1854 [Blocklist] Add option to not start/add new torrents until blocklist loaded completly. feature-request minor Plugin
#2270 Autoadd settings does not accept .dot (hidden) folder names bug minor Unknown 1.3.5
#1965 At the start deluge reports all torrents to the trackers as incompleted ones bug major Unknown 1.3.5
#1597 Another SIGSEGV on Fedora 14 x86_64 defect major Unknown 1.3.0_dev
#1488 Annoying `invalid bencoding of tracker response: ""' bug trivial Core 1.2.3
#2043 Allow multi-select in tracker overview feature-request trivial GTK UI other (please specify)
#2286 Add "Trackers" tab to gtkui and webui. feature-request minor GTK UI 1.3.5
#1883 Add Torrents dialog is missing the label field bug minor GTK UI 1.3.1
#1346 Add second sorting order option for torrents in list (by name) feature-request minor GTK UI other (please specify)
#1236 Adding torrent via remote-access - Server filessystem not browsable feature-request minor GTK UI 1.2.3
#2054 Add indicator then file is moving feature-request minor Unknown other (please specify)

Resolution: WorksForMe (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1320 "Update tracker" option doesn't work bug trivial Core 1.3.0_dev
#1292 Torrents with non-ascii (0x80-0xFF) character hidden in gtkui bug minor GTK UI 1.2.3
#1270 Sometimes gtkUI doesn't show correctly the torrent list for a category bug major GTK UI 1.3.0_dev
#1853 settings lost on restart-deluge 1.3.1 on ubuntu 9.10 bug minor Unknown 1.3.1
#2207 Issue with Geo Location bug critical Unknown 1.3.5
#2384 invisible throttling bug? bug major Core 1.3.6
#1850 Feature request - Segmented downloads feature-request minor Unknown other (please specify)
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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