Custom Query (263 matches)


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Results (226 - 250 of 263)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Resolution: Duplicate (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2353 Deluge uses random ports when "use random ports" box is unchecked. bug major Unknown 1.3.6
#2366 Location of deluge pid file bug minor Console UI other (please specify)
#2375 Démarrage une fois sur deux de Deluge au démarrage du Système d'exploitation bug minor GTK UI 1.3.6
#2378 Deluge is not working with Mac osx Mavericks. bug major Console UI 1.3.5
#2380 Deluge does not open in OSX Mavericks bug critical Console UI 1.3.6
#2385 Downloading deleted files bug minor Core 1.3.6
#2388 Can't open a torrent file with an unicode filename directly from browser bug minor GTK UI 1.3.6
#2397 partitially downloading files extra extension feature-request minor Console UI 1.3.6
#2407 Move completed to doesn't move to correct folder bug major Unknown other (please specify)
#2437 Deluge (OS X) forgets columns on quit using ⌘Q bug minor GTK UI 1.3.6
#2456 Torrents failing hash check should not re-download automatically bug minor Unknown 1.3.6
#2483 [WebUI] Support for icons in webui pluginmanager feature-request minor Web UI other (please specify)
#2513 Unable to start deluge after upgrading to kernel v3.16.3-2 - deluge-gtk: Cannot aquire lock bug blocker GTK UI 1.3.7
#2540 Need Move Completed path support for Execute scripts feature-request major Plugin other (please specify)
#2699 I want rename torrent file on the web o mobile please plugin-request major Unknown other (please specify)
#2745 Transfer Limit plugin request plugin-request minor Unknown other (please specify)
#2747 export torrent files (or copy magnet links out of deluge) feature-request minor Unknown other (please specify)
#2874 console-ui update trackers feature-request trivial Console UI

Resolution: WorksForMe (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1811 Encoding problem within deluge console nick bug minor Console (new ncurses) master
#1270 Sometimes gtkUI doesn't show correctly the torrent list for a category bug major GTK UI 1.3.0_dev
#1292 Torrents with non-ascii (0x80-0xFF) character hidden in gtkui bug minor GTK UI 1.2.3
#1313 deluge-gtk can't connect to host bug major GTK UI 1.2.3
#1320 "Update tracker" option doesn't work bug trivial Core 1.3.0_dev
#1398 deluge-console commands with parameter --help fail bug trivial Console UI 1.3.1
#1550 Crash on passing a command line parameter bug major Core 1.3.0_dev
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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