Custom Query (263 matches)


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Results (76 - 100 of 263)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Resolution: Invalid (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1958 Memory leak (Windows 7 x64 SP1 Ult. + Deluge 1.3.2) bug major Unknown 1.3.2
#2089 my seedbox is not working with deluge Damien Churchill bug major Web UI 1.3.4
#2106 IOCTL sign extension errors bug major libtorrent 1.3.5
#2173 Core freezes under heavy load bug major Core master
#2222 Limiting upload stops download. bug major Core other (please specify)
#2275 Deluge forgot new names of renamed folders after restart, if such folder wasn't available while deluged launch bug major Unknown 1.3.5
#2368 All torrents dissapear after a crash bug major Unknown 1.3.6
#2381 Deluge starts only half the time at system boot bug major GTK UI 1.3.6
#2382 Deluge install on mac not working bug major Unknown 1.3-stable
#2455 "Not connected" after browser refresh bug major Web UI 1.3.6
#2612 404 Not Found error with every torrent bug major Unknown 1.3.10
#2712 CRASHING bug major Unknown 1.3.11
#2739 Fedora 21 x86_64 config-> downloads->filesystem broken bug major Unknown other (please specify)
#2761 Download rate limit "Unlimited" == 800KiB == "819200" bug major libtorrent other (please specify)
#3194 won't download new torrents using autoadd bug major Core 1.3.15
#1244 Use a path in the filename when adding from a URL feature-request minor Core 1.2.3
#1276 GTK# stops Deluge starting bug minor Windows OS 1.3.1
#1296 Spurious HTTP requests to localhost from Deluge defect minor Core 1.2.3
#1317 Queue line change doesn't work bug minor GTK UI 1.2.2
#1348 Periodic IPFilter updates defect minor Unknown other (please specify)
#1376 "Move storage" purges files in new directory bug minor GTK UI 1.3.0
#1452 torrent check sould also validate storage path feature-request minor Core
#1743 Configs should support __delitem__ feature-request minor Core 1.3.1
#1823 Crash caught by ABRT bug minor GTK UI master
#1825 Translations update bug minor GTK UI master
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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