Custom Query (263 matches)


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Results (126 - 150 of 263)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Resolution: Invalid (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2447 Ubuntu, loses data, starts downloading 100% files upon system reboot. bug minor Unknown 1.3.6
#2512 Unable to add more than 2047 torrents to server through GTK client bug minor Unknown other (please specify)
#1981 Unicode error in "Copy of .torrent files to" Calum bug minor Core 1.3.3
#2318 Update PPA for raring bug minor Unknown other (please specify)
#1244 Use a path in the filename when adding from a URL feature-request minor Core 1.2.3
#1831 WebUI Problem Damien Churchill bug minor Web UI 1.3.1
#2229 win gtkui - speed of other torrents dissappears when changing storage location of big downloaded torrents bug trivial GTK UI other (please specify)
#3194 won't download new torrents using autoadd bug major Core 1.3.15
#2759 YaRSS2 fails to download torrents when using https bug minor Plugin 1.3.11

Resolution: WontFix (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#185 Be able to enable/disable DHT per torrent (private flag) andar feature-request minor Core
#1272 [Blocklist] Add P2B support to the blocklist plugin John Garland feature-request major Plugin other (please specify)
#2498 Cannot unset 'Automatically Add torrents on connect' bug minor GTK UI 1.3.7
#3231 Changing priority behaves strangely. bug major Unknown 1.3.15
#1345 Combine Resume and Pause buttons in GTK UI feature-request trivial GTK UI 1.3.0_dev
#1366 Default download path feature-request minor GTK UI 1.3.0_dev
#2233 Deluge client assumes uses local file system when connected to server over ssh tunnel feature-request minor GTK UI 1.3.5
#1568 deluge-gtk quit option feature-request minor GTK UI 1.3.0_dev
#1379 Deluge keeps trying to load net-pf-10 when ipv6 is disabled bug trivial Core 1.3.0_dev
#1288 Deluge not work with Wine defect major Unknown other (please specify)
#1492 Deluge thought daemon is local because of SSH tunnel? bug minor GTK UI 1.3.1
#1394 deluge.ui.client should implement twisted.application.service.IService feature-request major Core other (please specify)
#3395 deluge-web.service does not work on debian 10 stable based on the official guide bug blocker Web UI 1.3.15
#2740 Disabling upload is ineffective bug minor Unknown other (please specify)
#2252 Handle magnet:// links Damien Churchill bug minor Web UI other (please specify)
#2251 iOS 6 Caching WebUI json POST requests Damien Churchill bug minor Web UI
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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