Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (276 - 300 of 1381)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#886 deluge crashed with TypeError in _on_get_torrent_status() andar bug major GTK UI
#888 Deluge will not load torrents with Japanese filenames andar bug major Unknown
#891 Deluge unable to delete torrents with delete key andar bug minor 1.2.0 GTK UI
#893 misplaced ) andar bug major Unknown
#894 Fails to create torrents including files with german umlauts andar bug major 1.3 Unknown
#899 using ~ in console is used literally not as home folder andar bug minor Unknown
#902 Can not remove torrents in svn r5146 andar bug major Unknown
#904 Bandwith setting window "other" does not appear andar bug minor Unknown
#905 UPnP doesn't work. Port does not open. andar bug critical 1.2.0 Core
#906 gtk ui and pypanel CPU spike when connected to daemon andar bug major GTK UI
#907 Open torrent files in binary mode andar bug trivial GTK UI
#909 Deluge 1.1.7 eating up CPU on Ubuntu Jaunty andar bug major GTK UI
#910 Global name 'torrent_id' is not defined in TorrentManager.on_alert_tracker_reply andar bug major Core
#912 Completed patch for non-standard include and library library locations andar bug minor Core
#913 "pause all" does not work andar bug minor Unknown
#915 Add one torrent to gtk UI but it's not shown in the list andar bug major GTK UI
#916 plugin "label" fails with url tracker andar bug major Plugin
#918 deluge doesn't save preferences andar bug blocker GTK UI
#919 WebUI links have unwanted spaces andar bug minor Unknown
#921 Error "Unable to open config file" andar bug critical Core
#927 [PATCH] Add support for boost 1.37 andar bug minor Unknown
#932 [PATCH] Optimize ti_name even more andar feature-request minor Core
#934 encoding of torrent andar bug major Unknown
#936 Torrent Search andar feature-request trivial Future GTK UI
#939 Menu key doesn't bring up context menu on torrents andar bug minor GTK UI
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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