Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (451 - 475 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#981 email notification locks deluge ui client andar bug major Unknown
#982 Seed/Peer Ratio andar feature-request trivial GTK UI
#985 Redo interface for RSS andar feature-request major Unknown
#987 Label seed ratio applies to unfinished torrents andar bug trivial Plugin
#990 Setting max upload speed to zero in AJAX WebUI makes it unlimited Damien Churchill bug minor Web UI
#999 GTK UI/Web UI do not categorize "unregistered torrent" as an Error andar bug minor Core
#1006 scheduler script andar bug major Unknown
#1009 Enabling a plugin adds two items of the same name to the "Categories" view andar bug minor Unknown
#1010 Max piece size andar feature-request major GTK UI
#1011 Deluge 1.1.9: WebUI: Plugin Label click LabelAdd- "values for ['options_form'] are required" andar bug critical Plugin
#1014 autoadd feature should verify that autoadd location is directory andar bug trivial Core
#1016 deluged settings appear to revert to defaults randomly andar bug minor Core
#1018 [PATCH] Issues with renames in the Files tab andar bug major GTK UI
#1019 [PATCH] Add pieces sizes up to 4MB to create torrent dialog andar feature-request major GTK UI
#1020 Add a favicon(icon) as on to Deluge forum site andar feature-request minor Unknown
#1021 Registration on the Deluge forum is confusing with 2 fields for Captcha andar bug major Unknown
#1045 torrents created by Deluge not compatible with private tracker andar bug major Core
#1055 Sort included files by default andar feature-request minor GTK UI
#1063 Delete copy of torrent files patch andar feature-request minor Core
#1064 spins CPU due to incorrect polling andar bug major GTK UI
#1067 Select 'Other' in speed selection dropdown in gtkui causes error andar bug minor Unknown
#1071 Deluge won't start - crashes andar bug blocker Unknown
#1073 Adding a new torrent starts a new process andar bug major Unknown
#1074 [PATCH] Hex encoded magent uris can't be added from gtkui andar bug major Unknown
#1075 Changing priority on a whole folder doesn't work Damien Churchill bug major Web UI
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.