Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (501 - 525 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#3267 GTK Notification plugin error bug minor 2.0.4 Plugin
#3280 Label plugin unable to reopen label options bug minor 2.0.4 Plugin
#3295 autoadd don't apply labels to magnet files bug minor 2.0.4 Plugin
#3303 Notification-plugin mailing-bug. bug minor 2.0.4 Plugin
#3310 "Session status key not valid" log spam bug major 2.0.4 Plugin
#3387 create_plugin script references missing file bug trivial 2.0.4 Plugin
#3439 Execute plugin fails to run on Windows, exception thrown bug minor 2.0.4 Plugin
#3492 [Plugin] Add frequency unit to configuration label in blocklist patch minor 2.1.0 Plugin
#3515 [AutoAdd] - Disables watch on a folder when a torrent file fails decoding. bug minor 2.1.2 Plugin
#502 association in vista doesnt work markybob bug major Packaging
#503 Changes to to workaround broken boost packages markybob bug minor Packaging
#540 Deluge don't start on international language versions of Windows markybob bug critical Packaging
#552 wrong path to Gentoo svn folder andar bug trivial Packaging
#553 gentoo svn ebuild doesn't install ajax and white template for webui andar bug major Packaging
#571 .deb dependency: uninstalls notification-daemon-xfce; installs notification-daemon markybob bug minor Packaging
#838 preferences don't stay saved markybob bug major Packaging
#954 [Showstopper] 1.1.8 upgrade from Ubuntu 9.04 PPA is broken markybob bug blocker Packaging
#1128 Package 'deluge' in the PPA doesn't depend on deluged, but fails silently on "Run Daemon" bug minor 1.2.0 Packaging
#1217 [win32] Installer should close Deluge feature-request minor 1.3.6 Packaging
#1389 " install" puts icons and .desktop file into wrong place under Ubuntu 10.10 bug trivial 2.0.0 Packaging
#1886 [Win32] No persistent icon/notification in Windows' System Tray Calum bug trivial 1.3.4 Packaging
#1912 install fails confusingly if you don't have libtorrent or svn bug minor 1.3.4 Packaging
#1929 Improvements for Calum bug minor 1.3.4 Packaging
#1930 Please provide an AUTHOR file with centralized information feature-request minor 1.3.4 Packaging
#2034 Add systemd .service file feature-request minor 2.0.2 Packaging
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