Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (526 - 550 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#570 gtkui fails to load due to non-ASCII character ∞ andar bug major GTK UI
#577 Drag and drop not working. andar bug major GTK UI
#600 More columns and the ability to hide them andar feature-request minor GTK UI
#602 Incorrect sorting in files tab andar bug trivial GTK UI
#607 Add 'Date Completed' column to UIs Ghent feature-request minor 2.0.0 GTK UI
#620 Allow creation of new folders in the files tab andar feature-request major GTK UI
#636 start_localhost deluged config to gtkui location... andar feature-request minor GTK UI
#645 Applying Options to multiple selected torrents doesn't work andar feature-request minor 2.0.0 GTK UI
#646 Seeding - bad share ratio andar bug trivial GTK UI
#665 Deluge 1.x ignores per-torrent settings from tab andar bug minor GTK UI
#667 Newly started torrents not visible in UI when Downloading label is selected andar bug minor GTK UI
#671 GtkWarning on "gtk_tree_view_column_set_fixed_width" prevents from opening gtk ui andar bug major GTK UI
#673 no blocklist pref is saved andar defect major GTK UI
#687 filename could not display correctly in add-torrent-dialog andar bug major GTK UI
#690 Renaming folders do not delete olds Calum bug minor 1.3.2 GTK UI
#706 "Open Folder" takes no action. andar bug major GTK UI
#714 Torrents do not show after restart andar bug critical GTK UI
#732 Segfault in UI through "Add Torrents" dialog andar bug minor GTK UI
#744 Deluge should remember list sorting order when exited. andar bug major GTK UI
#761 White and unreadable sidepane when using dark themes andar bug major GTK UI
#780 Deluge does not remember the Horizontal separator position after restarting andar bug minor GTK UI
#782 system tray password asked when gtkui window is open but not topmost window. andar bug minor GTK UI
#799 Daemon status are not run through gettext andar bug minor 1.2.0 GTK UI
#803 Properties window columns are really small, and doesn't remember settings andar bug major GTK UI
#805 ETA calculation is broken when setting some files to 'Do Not Download' andar bug minor GTK UI
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.