Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (651 - 675 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#817 EMail Notification fails to substitute format strings andar bug major Unknown
#823 deluge -u console -a "config --set [attribute] -1.0" fails andar bug minor Unknown
#824 deluge-1.1.3 can't check data andar bug major Unknown
#831 Deluge broken by new python packages in Jaunty andar bug blocker Core
#833 uPnP doesn't work with DLink router andar bug major Unknown
#835 Add torrents Stopped/Paused andar bug minor Unknown
#837 Global "share prefs" not applied to "torrent prefs" andar bug minor Unknown
#838 preferences don't stay saved markybob bug major Packaging
#839 After renaming download directory, it cannot be moved. andar bug major Unknown
#841 Maximum Upload Slots tooltip is incorrect andar bug trivial Unknown
#842 Tracebacks on disconnect/reconnect andar bug major GTK UI
#843 Traceback while trying to add torrents andar bug major GTK UI
#844 deluged segmentation fault andar bug major Core
#845 localhost and andar bug major Unknown
#853 Removing label speed limit doesn't remove the limit on the torrent itself andar bug major Plugin
#854 Won't check 2 or more torrent andar bug major Unknown
#855 Force recheck when torrent paused mislabeled andar bug minor Unknown
#861 Deluge start before blocklist update John Garland bug critical 1.3 Plugin
#862 deluged crashed with AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'write' mvoncken bug major Core
#865 Preferences button doesn't work in webui Damien Churchill bug major 1.2.0 Web UI
#867 Deluge doesn't create peers_tab.conf and files_tab.conf andar bug major Unknown
#870 Deluge doesn't use configuration directory when loading ssl certificates mvoncken bug minor Web UI
#872 Client disconnects from daemon because daemon stops andar bug minor Unknown
#874 creating torrent goes over %100 andar bug minor GTK UI
#878 GtkUI fails to start daemon process deluged andar bug major GTK UI
Batch Modify
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