Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (701 - 725 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#919 WebUI links have unwanted spaces andar bug minor Unknown
#921 Error "Unable to open config file" andar bug critical Core
#927 [PATCH] Add support for boost 1.37 andar bug minor Unknown
#934 encoding of torrent andar bug major Unknown
#939 Menu key doesn't bring up context menu on torrents andar bug minor GTK UI
#941 right click on systray -> pause all doesn't work in 1.1.7 andar bug minor GTK UI
#943 r5292: exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'port' andar bug major Unknown
#945 Bandwidth limit not applied to DHT/Peer Exchange andar bug major Core
#946 While in use, Deluge is slow to respond markybob bug major Windows OS
#948 Deluge not properly checking version markybob bug trivial 1.3.3 GTK UI
#949 1.1.8' GtkUI cannot parse one torrent but 1.1.7's GtkUI can do it. andar bug major GTK UI
#950 renaming torrent folder with / in name andar bug minor GTK UI
#953 Deluge get stuck after last upgrade andar bug critical Unknown
#954 [Showstopper] 1.1.8 upgrade from Ubuntu 9.04 PPA is broken markybob bug blocker Packaging
#955 Bad percentage andar bug trivial GTK UI
#961 Update libtorrent for CVE-2009-1760 andar bug major Unknown
#962 "Segmantation fault" when removing several torrents from disk andar bug major Unknown
#963 trunk blocklist plugin is broken John Garland bug blocker 1.2.0 Plugin
#965 Weird connections to andar bug critical Core
#966 Deluge doesn't create or rewrite some config files andar bug major Core
#973 Upnp forwards are closed immediately andar bug major Core
#978 Blocklist error message ''ValueError: time data" in download_blocklist_thread John Garland bug major Unknown
#979 Windows Gtk conflict with Pidgin markybob bug major 1.2.0 Windows OS
#980 [r5427] Deluge does not exit properly andar bug major Unknown
#981 email notification locks deluge ui client andar bug major Unknown
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