Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (726 - 750 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2734 High resolution Windows icon Calum patch trivial 1.3.12 Packaging
#814 High CPU usage on large torrents andar bug critical Core
#1287 High CPU I/O Wait Usage defect major Future Unknown
#2365 Hiding Progress column generates TypeError Calum bug trivial 1.3.7 GTK UI
#34 hide/show deluge duplicates shown torrents andar bug minor GTK UI
#1687 Help doesn't work in detail view nick bug trivial 2.x Console UI
#594 hang on password window markybob bug major 1.2.0 Windows OS
#2819 Handle second instance of WebUI nicely bug trivial 2.0.0 Web UI
#1260 Handle redirection better with httpdownloader John Garland feature-request major 2.0.0 Core
#72 GUI doesn't update markybob bug major 0.5.x
#671 GtkWarning on "gtk_tree_view_column_set_fixed_width" prevents from opening gtk ui andar bug major GTK UI
#2772 GtkWarning: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup bug minor 1.3.13 GTK UI
#999 GTK UI/Web UI do not categorize "unregistered torrent" as an Error andar bug minor Core
#2202 gtkui stable sort torrent view patch minor 1.3.6 GTK UI
#2927 [GTKUI] Speed Limit Display Doesnt Update bug minor 2.0.0 GTK UI
#1921 GTKUI reports free disk space wrong. Calum bug trivial 1.3.4 GTK UI
#1531 gtk ui not working after upgrade bug major GTK UI
#2701 [gtk-ui] Move Download Folder cancel button doesn't work (move_storage_dialog) Bro bug minor 2.0.0 GTK UI
#3476 GTKUI logs error when enabling plugin. bug minor 2.0.6 GTK UI
#878 GtkUI fails to start daemon process deluged andar bug major GTK UI
#43 gtkui fails to start andar bug major GTK UI
#570 gtkui fails to load due to non-ASCII character ∞ andar bug major GTK UI
#2235 gtkui exception after add torrent bug major GTK UI
#1204 gtkui doesn't show the torrents of a label/tracker defect major 2.x GTK UI
#207 gtk ui crashes over ssh andar bug major GTK UI
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