Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (851 - 875 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2487 Deluge 1.3.7 windows can't connect to SSL tracker bug major 1.3.8 Packaging
#2651 PPA Missing App Indicator dependency bug trivial 1.3.11 Packaging
#2676 Add pillow as optional dependency in DEPENDS bug minor 1.3.11 Packaging
#2734 High resolution Windows icon Calum patch trivial 1.3.12 Packaging
#2736 [Windows] Deluge exe doesn't report version number bug minor 1.3.12 Packaging
#2744 fastresume not working on OSX bug minor 1.3.12 Packaging
#2758 [win32] bbfreeze include _cffi_backend module bug major 1.3.12 Packaging
#2767 OSX remove deluge egg py files bug minor 1.3.13 Packaging
#2777 Update NSIS MSVC redist checker bug minor 1.3.13 Packaging
#2828 Missing imports after packaging bug trivial 2.0.0 Packaging
#2858 OSX sound notification is greyed out bug minor 1.3.13 Packaging
#2879 Opening a file from a finished torrent causes a dyld error bug major 1.3.14 Packaging
#2890 Update Info.plist of latest version bug minor 1.3.14 Packaging
#2952 appdata.xml file for Linux software gallery integration patch minor 2.0.0 Packaging
#2994 Update deluge-web man page bug minor 2.0.0 Packaging
#3043 libtorrent 1.1 win build instructions bug minor 2.0.0 Packaging
#3053 Copy non-minified js to build if slimit missing DjLegolas bug trivial 2.0.0 Packaging
#3073 Add launchd to osx packaging bug trivial 2.0.2 Packaging
#3201 Create Windows package (Py3-GTK3) feature-request major 2.1.0 Packaging
#3282 Does not work with pillow-simd bug minor 2.0.4 Packaging
#3328 GLib.io_add_watch error bug minor not applicable Packaging
#3353 Pillow v7 broke install script bug minor 2.0.4 Packaging
#96 tags andar bug trivial Plugin
#239 several blocklist problems andar bug major Plugin
#274 Move Torrent plugin works intermittently andar bug major Plugin
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