Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (901 - 925 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#489 webui ssl mvoncken feature-request major 1.2.0 Web UI
#496 Remove methods made obsolete by get_session_status mvoncken feature-request major 1.3 Core
#497 webui plugin api : templates and images using pkg_resources mvoncken bug major Web UI
#498 Label pluging andar bug major Unknown
#499 Do not use os.fork() on OS X andar bug major Unknown
#500 The labels sidebar *needs* a scrollbar. andar bug major Unknown
#502 association in vista doesnt work markybob bug major Packaging
#506 Can't add torrents andar bug major Unknown
#507 label plugin mvoncken plugin-request major 2.x Web UI
#512 In Windows XP Deluge not start markybob bug major Windows OS
#514 white template : highlighting is broken. mvoncken bug major Web UI
#517 "Traffic" tab in WebUi not working mvoncken bug major Web UI
#518 Add Torrent window too high for netbook displays (1024x600) andar bug major 1.2.0 GTK UI
#521 Very slow download speeds andar bug major Unknown
#522 Deluge will not start - signalreceiver:77 Trying again with another port: (-2, 'Name or service not known') andar bug major GTK UI
#528 Deluge does not remember its GUI settings on Gnome andar bug major Unknown
#529 Add authentication to core andar feature-request major 1.2.0 Unknown
#530 sending bad statistic data andar bug major Unknown
#531 DEBUG logging should not be the default andar bug major Unknown
#543 UPnP fails to establish port mappings in version 1.0.2 andar bug major Core
#545 ratio goes back to zero when restarting daemon andar bug major Core
#547 Deluge needs a descriptive menu entry, rather than just "Deluge" andar bug major GTK UI
#549 Save sidebar width in gtkui after restart andar bug major GTK UI
#553 gentoo svn ebuild doesn't install ajax and white template for webui andar bug major Packaging
#554 SVN r4060: Right-click -> Openfolder breaks Deluge andar bug major GTK UI
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