Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (951 - 975 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#3250 Errors in console-UI. bug minor 2.0.0 Console UI
#2394 tray icon option 'pause active downloads' feature-request minor 1.3.15 GTK UI
#2752 Column configuration is not saved properly in the thin client bug major 1.3.15 GTK UI
#2786 [GTKUI][Connection Manager] Dialog Wont Show, Errno 11001 Calum bug minor 1.3.15 GTK UI
#2913 [Notification] ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10 bug minor 1.3.15 Core
#2990 Deluge 1.3.14 file priorities are bugged Calum bug minor 1.3.15 Core
#2991 Proxy settings not displayed correctly bug major 1.3.15 Unknown
#2999 Swedish translation updated patch minor 1.3.15 Translations
#3007 New release check pointing to wrong version file on website bug minor 1.3.15 Core
#3008 Unhandled Error exceptions.KeyError: <type 'datetime.datetime'> Calum bug major 1.3.15 Core
#3014 Bug 2990 still not completely fixed bug major 1.3.15 Unknown
#2784 [Execute] Escape call parameters for Windows bug minor 1.3.14 Plugin
#2826 add_torrent_file missing base64.encodestring filedata Calum bug minor 1.3.14 Core
#2861 libtorrent-rasterbar 1.1.x+ GeoIP support patch minor 1.3.14 Core
#2875 WebUI Json dumps Error bug minor 1.3.14 Web UI
#2879 Opening a file from a finished torrent causes a dyld error bug major 1.3.14 Packaging
#2888 Shift click not working to select individual files bug minor 1.3.14 Web UI
#2889 "Too many files open" error and losing all torrents bug major 1.3.14 Core
#2890 Update Info.plist of latest version bug minor 1.3.14 Packaging
#2901 rtrim info hash on add feature-request minor 1.3.14 GTK UI
#2941 Deluge 1.3.13 crash after add torrent bug blocker 1.3.14 Core
#2942 crash connecting while checking bug critical 1.3.14 Unknown
#2946 1.1 libtorrent default piece priority bug minor 1.3.14 Core
#2948 Non-Ascii Character Breaks Console Torrent Remove bug minor 1.3.14 Console UI
#2951 Merge fix for #1908 into 1.3 feature-request major 1.3.14 Web UI
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