Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (951 - 975 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1842 autoadd save .torrent bug minor 2.x Plugin
#1846 Crash caught by ABRT bug minor Future Unknown
#1855 deluge-console: spelling error in output (availibility) patch minor Future Unknown
#1857 deluge-console: Add seeding_time, active_time and tracker_status to "info" output. patch minor Future Unknown
#1860 Files Tab "TypeError could not parse subscript as a tree path" bug minor 1.3.3 GTK UI
#1862 Move Storage broken bug blocker 1.3.2 GTK UI
#1863 [Autoadd] copy torrent to dir not working bug major 2.x Plugin
#1866 Console fails to find deluged with a new specified config bug critical 2.x Console (new ncurses)
#1868 Search box into toolbar feature-request minor 2.0.0 GTK UI
#1872 Replace WMI processes enumeration with EnumProcesses patch minor 1.3.6 Core
#1889 deluge-gtk not loading bug blocker 2.x GTK UI
#1893 Error when adding torrent from Firefox bug minor 1.3.4 GTK UI
#1894 Settings > Notifications > Mail port limited to 100 bug minor 1.3.3 GTK UI
#1898 Email notifications do not include date/time they were sent bug minor 1.3.4 Plugin
#1901 Update tracker (force reannounce) doesn't work with some trackers bug minor not applicable libtorrent
#1905 Email Notification: No email sent to second email address. bug minor 1.3.4 Plugin
#1907 deluged sometimes not saving torrent state on exit bug major 1.3.4 Core
#1911 Can't register to deluge forum bug minor Future Unknown
#1912 install fails confusingly if you don't have libtorrent or svn bug minor 1.3.4 Packaging
#1917 UnicodeDecodeError with long torrent names bug major 2.x Console (new ncurses)
#1923 Add option for Full Allocation (without sparse files) feature-request minor 2.0.0 Core
#1924 Twisted error on attempt to connect to deluged with deluge-console bug minor 2.x Core
#1925 Console UI exposes autoadd configuration bug minor 2.0.0 Console (new ncurses)
#1927 Forums registration dont work... bug minor Future Unknown
#1930 Please provide an AUTHOR file with centralized information feature-request minor 1.3.4 Packaging
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