Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (1051 - 1075 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1139 failure with new version libtorrent-rasterbar 0.15 defect major Core
#1150 [Patch] Include libtorrent version in agent string patch trivial 2.0.0 Core
#1156 import sys missing in bug major Core
#1167 Email notification fails if remote GTK client disconnected bug minor 1.3 Core
#1189 Incomplete torrents give error at deluged start bug critical 2.x Core
#1196 This version of Deluge requires libtorrent >= defect major 1.3 Core
#1199 deluge 1.2.2 considers 0.14.9 > 0.14.10 bug blocker 2.x Core
#1202 AttributeError: Torrent instance has no attribute 'state' bug major 2.x Core
#1218 Improper callLater() usage in defect major 1.3 Core
#1221 'Core' object has no attribute '_timer' bug major 1.3 Core
#1222 Error when I change the folder in labels defect minor 1.3 Core
#1227 Check File NoAscii Characters Title bug minor Future Core
#1239 "Torrent not registered" not counted in Tracker Error status Calum bug minor 1.3.3 Core
#1260 Handle redirection better with httpdownloader John Garland feature-request major 2.0.0 Core
#1281 Warn/stop client connecting to incompatible deluged John Garland feature-request critical 2.x Core
#1294 Skip Hash Check - Seed Mode feature-request major 2.0.0 Core
#1301 Order of torrents is reversed upon start-up bug minor Future Core
#1338 Seeders and peers stats doesn't update bug trivial 1.3.3 Core
#1341, self._save_timer may be None bug major 1.3 Core
#1343 shouldn't import xdg on windows defect minor Future Core
#1369 MS Windows %APPDATA% non-ascii John Garland defect major 1.3.1 Core
#1373 [win32] Move storage problem with non-ascii paths Calum bug minor 1.3.2 Core
#1466 Performance warning: Send Buffer Watermark Calum patch major 2.0.0 Core
#1467 Log to file when not daemonized defect minor 2.x Core
#1473 Adding support for switching uid after startup for daemons patch minor 2.0.0 Core
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