Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (1076 - 1100 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#607 Add 'Date Completed' column to UIs Ghent feature-request minor 2.0.0 GTK UI
#605 Rename completed download then restarting daemon causes torrent to download again andar bug major Core
#602 Incorrect sorting in files tab andar bug trivial GTK UI
#600 More columns and the ability to hide them andar feature-request minor GTK UI
#599 auto add torrent in paused state andar feature-request major Unknown
#598 deluged does not stop or kill andar bug major Core
#596 show upload and download informations on deluge's title markybob feature-request major Windows OS
#594 hang on password window markybob bug major 1.2.0 Windows OS
#592 Deluge memory leak andar bug major Unknown
#590 daemon stop/start/restart from webui. mvoncken bug major Web UI
#589 rename "deluge -u null2" to something more meaningfull. sadrul feature-request blocker null
#588 deluged memory leak andar bug major Unknown
#587 onComplete plugin andar plugin-request major 1.2.0 Unknown
#586 Finalize stats plugin ianmartin feature-request major Future Plugin
#585 meta : better error handling and messages andar bug major 1.2.0 Unknown
#584 meta bug: external disk andar bug major Unknown
#583 meta-bug: drivespace errors. andar bug major Unknown
#579 Download location is set for all torrents instead of one torrent. andar bug major Unknown
#577 Drag and drop not working. andar bug major GTK UI
#571 .deb dependency: uninstalls notification-daemon-xfce; installs notification-daemon markybob bug minor Packaging
#570 gtkui fails to load due to non-ASCII character ∞ andar bug major GTK UI
#569 "Automatically connect to selected host" doesn't work andar bug major Unknown
#568 Certian characters in torrent filename cuases Deluge to NOT display torrent names and status for all torrents. andar bug minor GTK UI
#565 Defunct deluged process after starting up andar bug minor GTK UI
#564 WebUI crash when trying to set refresh frequency mvoncken bug major Web UI
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.