Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (1076 - 1100 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1089 authentication Damien Churchill bug major 1.3 Web UI
#1098 does not properly enclose method comments defect major 1.3 Plugin
#1099 label plugin does not enclose method comments properly defect major 1.2.0 Plugin
#1104 charmap' codec can't decode byte problem in 1.2.0-rc4 bug major 1.2.0 Core
#1109 watch dir with special characters bug major Core
#1110 Can't choose files to download via WebUI Damien Churchill bug major 1.2.0 Web UI
#1112 [PATCH] When file name is changed in Add Torrents dialog, file's path info is lost. bug major 1.3 GTK UI
#1114 "Check active port" doesn't work bug major 1.2.0 GTK UI
#1139 failure with new version libtorrent-rasterbar 0.15 defect major Core
#1140 Console ui "add" autocomplete crashes on unicode filename patch major 1.3 Console UI
#1146 webui context menu behavior in Firefox 3.6 Damien Churchill bug major 1.3 Web UI
#1148 Executor plugin error bug major Plugin
#1154 Display Name (dn) not appearing after adding a magnet link feature-request major 1.3 Unknown
#1156 import sys missing in bug major Core
#1162 Error to add torrent to closed GktUI connect to remote deluge bug major 1.2.0 GTK UI
#1172 Startup notification isn't handled correctly if another instance is already running. defect major GTK UI
#1176 Filter not work Damien Churchill defect major 1.3 Web UI
#1177 add torrents not work "Fake_path" Damien Churchill defect major 1.3 Web UI
#1178 Logo torrent tracker .. on MS IE 8 Damien Churchill bug major 1.3 Web UI
#1180 Label change doesn't change speed bug major 1.3 Plugin
#1181 Quick menu - change speed Damien Churchill defect major Web UI
#1182 Change speed not work Preferences->Bandwidth Damien Churchill defect major 1.3 Web UI
#1191 BUG : Keyboad button emulating the right click does not work on the download list. andar bug major 1.3 Unknown
#1196 This version of Deluge requires libtorrent >= defect major 1.3 Core
#1202 AttributeError: Torrent instance has no attribute 'state' bug major 2.x Core
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.