Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (1101 - 1125 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1976 Deluge puts torrents into obfuscated random-character directories on completion. Calum bug minor 1.3.4 Core
#2007 UnicodeDecodeError when logging to file Calum bug minor 2.x Core
#2016 Clean exit verification with state backup Calum feature-request minor 2.0.0 Core
#2021 Share ratio limit not obeyed for torrents downloaded outside deluge bug minor 1.3.4 Core
#2039 line 1023, in on_alert_tracker_warning - UnicodeDecodeError bug minor 2.x Core
#2049 Incorrect behavior of queuing options bug minor 1.3.5 Core
#2071 KeyError with file priorities in ui when value has been set to '3' in core Calum bug trivial 1.3.5 Core
#2091 Deluge (daemon) overwrites log when starting. bug minor 2.x Core
#2093 [win32] 'open-with' does not work for non-acsii torrents Calum bug minor 1.3.13 Core
#2109 Proxy settings not being cleared from session.state bug minor 1.3.6 Core
#2110 Accept magnet uris with xt anywhere in link, not just at start bug minor 1.3.6 Core
#2122 lt1.6: Now supports port re-use via two simple flags Calum bug minor 2.0.0 Core
#2133 Remove port randomization to avoid polluting DHT Calum bug major 2.0.0 Core
#2140 libtorrent 0.16 and torrent moving andar bug critical 1.3.6 Core
#2160 libtorrent segmentation fault on torrent removal bug critical 1.3.6 Core
#2161 Save torrent files from magnet links feature-request minor 2.0.0 Core
#2163 .torrent encoding ("Unknown encoding") Calum bug trivial 1.3.6 Core
#2164 AttributeError due to deprecated Twisted.web.error.NoResource in tracker_icons John Garland bug major 1.3.6 Core
#2195 [lt.sess.set.ssl_listen] An option to disable the bittorrent SSL port feature-request minor 2.0.0 Core
#2204 deluged hangs on shutdown with large number of torrents started Bro bug minor 1.3.6 Core
#2218 Use 0.16 libtorrent extension bindings or remove ut pex option bug critical 2.x Core
#2219 Expose libtorrent i2p options in Deluge feature-request minor 2.0.0 Core
#2223 Deluged - exceptions.AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'url' bug minor 1.3.6 Core
#2227 can't add a specific torrent file bug minor 1.3.6 Core
#2241 Can't add any torrent files with GUI running bug major 2.x Core
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