Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (1126 - 1150 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#444 Deluge 0.6 SVN performances sluggish andar bug major Core
#446 "Delete at ratio" and the ratio spinner are not grayed out when "stop at ratio" is unchecked in the options tab andar bug major GTK UI
#447 Unify features and code used in the file listings in the files tab and the add torrent tialog andar feature-request major Future GTK UI
#448 Deluge 1.0 is slow and causes networking problems for other programs andar bug major Core
#450 padding files andar bug major Core
#451 Add vertical scroll bar to sidebar in GTK UI andar feature-request minor GTK UI
#453 Exclusively textless buttons are a mistake andar bug minor GTK UI
#455 deluged crashes on force re-check of compleated torrent andar bug major Core
#456 torrent list emptys by itself, restarting deluge fixes the problem but only for a few minutes andar bug blocker Core
#457 Progress bar for folders too andar feature-request trivial 1.3 Web UI
#460 File checking after restart andar bug major Core
#468 Unicode in 0.9.8 does not seem to be working properly andar bug major Core
#469 Randomly won't (re)check torrents. andar bug minor Core
#472 In all other versions, it showed the % of the peers/leechers completion, now there is nothing andar feature-request minor Unknown
#473 global and per-label totals andar feature-request major GTK UI
#475 1.0.5, crash on init, unicode folder name andar bug major Core
#477 (1.0.0._rc9) freeze after start andar bug major Unknown
#478 deluge "--help" should display the possible values for "ui" option andar feature-request trivial Core
#480 upnp updates on port change - does not add udp or release previous ports RC9 andar bug minor Unknown
#485 Torrent counts andar feature-request major Unknown
#494 locale it_IT.UTF-8 add icon missing andar bug trivial GTK UI
#498 Label pluging andar bug major Unknown
#499 Do not use os.fork() on OS X andar bug major Unknown
#500 The labels sidebar *needs* a scrollbar. andar bug major Unknown
#506 Can't add torrents andar bug major Unknown
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