Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (101 - 125 of 1381)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1234 Add time to 'Added' column (and elsewhere) patch trivial 1.3 GTK UI
#1235 Add time to the torrents added date in WebUI Damien Churchill patch trivial 1.3 Web UI
#1238 Traceback when starting gtkui bug minor 1.3 GTK UI
#1240 Execute Plugin - always used "move_on_completed_path" Damien Churchill bug trivial 1.3 Plugin
#1242 Preferences apply extra config values andar bug minor 1.3 GTK UI
#1262 Uploading plugin with webui fail, faulty named filename on server Damien Churchill defect major 1.3 Web UI
#1284 WebUI on Windows plugin error Damien Churchill bug minor 1.3 Web UI
#1289 Execute plugin broken defect major 1.3 Plugin
#1293 deluge-console under windows doesn't like forward slashes defect major 1.3 Console UI
#1302 In classic mode: frequent torrents recheck after restart and traceback on quit defect major 1.3 GTK UI
#1306 Execute plugin allways executes last event configured in execute.conf defect minor 1.3 Unknown
#1307 Console client doesn't add torrents bug major 1.3 Console UI
#1315 Webui doesn't show active torrents Damien Churchill bug major 1.3 Web UI
#1322 libtorrent should export the file_completed alert over it's python bindings feature-request major 1.3 libtorrent
#1339 iOS WebClip icons and HTML Damien Churchill patch minor 1.3 Web UI
#1341, self._save_timer may be None bug major 1.3 Core
#1351 Deluge should emmit file_completed alert to clients feature-request major 1.3 Unknown
#1358 Ability to use 8Mb piece size in "Create Torrent" dialog feature-request minor 1.3 Unknown
#1247 deluge-gtk hangs on shutdown John Garland defect critical 1.3.1 Unknown
#1312 deluge web ui uses 100% CPU after some time. Damien Churchill defect critical 1.3.1 Web UI
#1364 Error when saving preferences andar bug major 1.3.1 Unknown
#1365 sidebar doesn't update bug major 1.3.1 GTK UI
#1369 MS Windows %APPDATA% non-ascii John Garland defect major 1.3.1 Core
#1377 JS bug interfering with enabling plugins Damien Churchill bug minor 1.3.1 Web UI
#690 Renaming folders do not delete olds Calum bug minor 1.3.2 GTK UI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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