Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (1326 - 1350 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1315 Webui doesn't show active torrents Damien Churchill bug major 1.3 Web UI
#1322 libtorrent should export the file_completed alert over it's python bindings feature-request major 1.3 libtorrent
#1339 iOS WebClip icons and HTML Damien Churchill patch minor 1.3 Web UI
#1341, self._save_timer may be None bug major 1.3 Core
#1351 Deluge should emmit file_completed alert to clients feature-request major 1.3 Unknown
#1358 Ability to use 8Mb piece size in "Create Torrent" dialog feature-request minor 1.3 Unknown
#186 Copy information from Deluge UI andar feature-request minor 1.2.0 Core
#215 Fix ETA sort order Damien Churchill bug minor 1.2.0 Web UI
#259 add country name hover to peer country flag andar feature-request minor 1.2.0 GTK UI
#335 can not connect to ipv6 only tracker andar feature-request major 1.2.0 Core
#365 Remove SignalReceiver andar bug major 1.2.0 GTK UI
#366 Change the Windows ipc interface to not depend on SignalReceiver andar bug major 1.2.0 GTK UI
#374 Enable/disable webui from within gtkui andar feature-request major 1.2.0 GTK UI
#377 True classic mode, no separate daemon process andar bug major 1.2.0 Core
#489 webui ssl mvoncken feature-request major 1.2.0 Web UI
#518 Add Torrent window too high for netbook displays (1024x600) andar bug major 1.2.0 GTK UI
#529 Add authentication to core andar feature-request major 1.2.0 Unknown
#585 meta : better error handling and messages andar bug major 1.2.0 Unknown
#587 onComplete plugin andar plugin-request major 1.2.0 Unknown
#594 hang on password window markybob bug major 1.2.0 Windows OS
#656 SVN version does not add torrents to the list andar bug major 1.2.0 Core
#680 cant create torrents or load torrents via ajax webui ! Damien Churchill bug critical 1.2.0 ajaxui
#735 use keys of "name.utf-8" and "path.utf-8" of metadata andar bug major 1.2.0 Unknown
#741 Fix Blocklist Web UI John Garland bug major 1.2.0 Plugin
#768 creating torrents - bugs and improvements andar bug major 1.2.0 Unknown
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