Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (126 - 150 of 1381)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#73 Multiple watch folders andar feature-request minor Core
#75 Plugins reload button andar feature-request minor GTK UI
#79 Bind outgoing connections to local port andar feature-request minor Core
#94 Missing an option to set maximum connections on specific torrents. feature-request major 0.5.x
#98 append file extension to partially downloaded files markybob feature-request trivial 0.5.x
#117 Folders view in file selection dialog markybob feature-request major GTK UI
#123 Add speed limiter to WebUI mvoncken feature-request minor Web UI
#134 ETA readable for humans in WebUI mvoncken feature-request major Web UI
#186 Copy information from Deluge UI andar feature-request minor 1.2.0 Core
#187 Save UI settings on exit(or periodically / if modified) andar feature-request minor GTK UI
#229 Date Added column? andar feature-request trivial GTK UI
#259 add country name hover to peer country flag andar feature-request minor 1.2.0 GTK UI
#265 Add new column "Remaining" Calum feature-request trivial 2.0.0 GTK UI
#280 per-torrent setting for "stop seeding when share ratio reaches.." andar feature-request minor Core
#281 Split view for (completed / seeding) and (active / downloading) torrents as in azureus andar feature-request minor GTK UI
#296 Allow setting TOS/QoS parameters. andar feature-request minor Core
#299 torrent file added via gtk ui gets saved with random name andar feature-request minor GTK UI
#322 setting refresh rate in webui does not work (--> implement js refresh) mvoncken feature-request blocker Web UI
#335 can not connect to ipv6 only tracker andar feature-request major 1.2.0 Core
#342 Drag n drop functionality andar feature-request minor Core
#343 Display Blocklist status in the WebUi as in the gtkui. mvoncken feature-request trivial Web UI
#344 additional functions of plugin "Torrent Creator" andar feature-request major Plugin
#352 set_torrent_options method in core andar feature-request major Core
#357 Add "Seeding: Prioritize Torrents With >0 Peers" queue auto-prioritization markybob feature-request major 0.5.x
#361 Torrent notifications andar feature-request major GTK UI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.