Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (176 - 200 of 1381)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#197 latest nightlies are CPU hogs andar bug major Core
#222 Autoload corrupt torrent error andar bug minor Core
#228 'Move Torrent' results in files moving but not saving new location on restart andar bug minor Core
#245 "force recheck" ends stuck in "checking" mode andar bug major Core
#246 seed ratio save on shutdown andar bug major Core
#249 Key error and "global name 'log' is not defined" andar bug major Core
#250 Some problem with recheck andar bug major Core
#251 Recursion problem andar bug major Core
#270 Autoadd feature fails to load torrent andar bug minor Core
#280 per-torrent setting for "stop seeding when share ratio reaches.." andar feature-request minor Core
#283 resuming a paused seeding torrent fails andar bug major Core
#293 add torrent broken andar bug blocker Core
#296 Allow setting TOS/QoS parameters. andar feature-request minor Core
#313 Port forwarding not working on 0.6.0svn andar bug major Core
#319 Nightly: Reenabling files from multi-file torrent breaks connection andar bug major Core
#335 can not connect to ipv6 only tracker andar feature-request major 1.2.0 Core
#342 Drag n drop functionality andar feature-request minor Core
#350 "Stop seeding when share ration reaches X" is ignored andar bug major Core
#352 set_torrent_options method in core andar feature-request major Core
#353 core should check parameter types andar bug major Core
#355 ok button in preferences doesn't close the dialog andar bug major Core
#359 Save/load dht state between sessions andar bug major Core
#362 Use libtorrents session pause/resume instead of the current pause_all,resume_all andar bug major Core
#363 Daemon listen interface preference andar feature-request major Core
#368 Add by Hash (trackerless torrents) andar feature-request major Core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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