Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (176 - 200 of 1381)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#636 start_localhost deluged config to gtkui location... andar feature-request minor GTK UI
#637 Progress bar for "move storage" andar feature-request minor 2.0.0 Core
#638 "Stored in..." Column andar feature-request major 1.3 Unknown
#639 Torrent checking gets "stuck" andar bug major Unknown
#640 A LOT of strings in deluge 1.x is not translateable andar bug critical 1.3 Unknown
#643 "move completed to" moves already completed torrents andar bug minor Unknown
#645 Applying Options to multiple selected torrents doesn't work andar feature-request minor 2.0.0 GTK UI
#646 Seeding - bad share ratio andar bug trivial GTK UI
#652 Expanded UI help information... andar feature-request trivial Core
#654 canceled recheck (close deluge) does not complete on the next startup andar bug major Unknown
#655 Folders behaving oddly when adding multiple torrents andar bug major Unknown
#656 SVN version does not add torrents to the list andar bug major 1.2.0 Core
#657 Torrent numbering andar bug major Unknown
#661 Tracker name doesn't show trackers properely (1.2.0_dev) andar bug trivial Unknown
#665 Deluge 1.x ignores per-torrent settings from tab andar bug minor GTK UI
#667 Newly started torrents not visible in UI when Downloading label is selected andar bug minor GTK UI
#669 Clean up Trac andar bug trivial Unknown
#671 GtkWarning on "gtk_tree_view_column_set_fixed_width" prevents from opening gtk ui andar bug major GTK UI
#672 Deluge compiled from 1.1.0_RC1 sources doesn't add any torrents, quietly. andar bug blocker Unknown
#673 no blocklist pref is saved andar defect major GTK UI
#674 Deluge crashes at startup when torrents are in autoadd folder / autoadd folder does not work andar bug major Unknown
#675 Auto add torrents broken andar bug major Core
#686 Checking fails completely andar bug major Unknown
#687 filename could not display correctly in add-torrent-dialog andar bug major GTK UI
#692 Password required to close deluge when systray is protected, even if the main window is already shown andar bug major Unknown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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