Custom Query (397 matches)


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Results (1 - 25 of 397)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#80 "Segmentation fault" on rechecking markybob bug blocker 0.5.x
#325 edit tracker oddities andar bug blocker GTK UI
#601 White window ! andar bug blocker Core
#703 Folders relocation andar bug blocker Unknown
#779 BUG - windows vista andar bug blocker Unknown
#794 Crashes While Running markybob bug blocker Windows OS
#1198 Error at import libtorrent bug blocker Core
#2188 Deluge crashes !! bug blocker Future Windows OS
#2399 CANT REGISTER FOR FORUM! bug blocker Future Web UI
#2902 deluge-console crash bug blocker not applicable libtorrent
#2924 not adding torrent files bug blocker 2.0.0 Unknown
#3190 No bugs or crashes! a user patch blocker performance Console UI
#3206 Impossible to seed bug blocker needs verified Unknown
#31 Deluge does not compile with gcc4.3.0 markybob bug critical 0.5.x
#269 Deluged segfaults when torrent is finished andar bug critical Core
#275 Deluge can`t continue downloading of fully allocated file, if there is not enough space on target partition markybob bug critical 0.5.x
#439 Losing DL % andar bug critical Core
#445 GTK UI Doesn't categorize errored torrents. andar bug critical GTK UI
#597 Unable to add new torrent job in Deluge 1.0.5 Win XP SP2. markybob bug critical Windows OS
#603 100% cpu usage when download speed is limited andar bug critical Core
#695 Crashes when starting deluge andar bug critical Unknown
#785 Deluge does not start andar bug critical Unknown
#993 Ajax web interface is sometimes broken when having multiple tabs open Damien Churchill bug critical ajaxui
#1187 performance warning: max outstanding disk writes reached bug critical Core
#1331 No cookies set on Chromium browser Damien Churchill bug critical 1.3 Web UI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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