Custom Query (169 matches)


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Results (51 - 75 of 169)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1480 Opening any link from deluge causing 100% cpu load under Ubuntu 10.10 bug major 1.3.2 GTK UI
#1752 Checking stops when drive is not mounted, but mountable with user permissions feature-request major 1.3.2 Core
#2072 wrong share ratio counting bug major 1.3.6 GTK UI
#2127 select() reactor has problems with >1024 File Descriptors bug major Future Core
#2153 Improper Torrent Loading (Duplication of Files) bug major 1.3.6 Core
#2281 [PATCH] Add total_wanted_done into status and display in UI patch major Future Core
#2451 Deluge crashes after 10-210 Minutes bug major not applicable Unknown
#2741 [deluged] Idle CPU usage in daemon bug major performance Core
#2844 HTTP2.0 bug major not applicable libtorrent
#2854 Don't re-create the whole config files while updating content feature-request major needs verified Core
#3050 incoming port changing randomly bug major needs verified Unknown
#3231 Changing priority behaves strangely. bug major Future Unknown
#3232 Migrate to libtorrent-1.2 DjLegolas bug major Future Core
#3275 Contact info of forum admin bug major needs verified Unknown
#58 Wizard doesn't support 448 Kbits/second upload line speed andar bug minor GTK UI
#65 Bloglist import error "invalid leader" markybob plugin-request minor 0.5.x
#76 Default torrent list markybob feature-request minor 0.5.x
#90 Opening a torrent file from epiphany doesn't bring Deluge gtk file chooser to the foreground markybob bug minor 0.5.x
#92 Preferences dialog overrides plugin configuration changes markybob bug minor 0.5.x
#159 recheck torrents in queue order, or recheck incomplete first markybob feature-request minor 0.5.x
#164 Change ETA calculation - when seeding & set to stop at ratio, display time to done seeding markybob feature-request minor 0.5.x
#185 Be able to enable/disable DHT per torrent (private flag) andar feature-request minor Future Core
#213 disk space check no good with gvfs fuse markybob bug minor 0.5.x
#264 Deluge opens malformed URLs in browser markybob bug minor 0.5.x
#284 Deluge WebUI Plugin contains an invalid security certificate mvoncken bug minor Web UI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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