Custom Query (169 matches)


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Results (51 - 75 of 169)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#937 Deluge (gtk) stops deamon on exit andar bug minor Unknown
#960 Choosing paths for (not) localhost torrents andar bug minor GTK UI
#969 Full allocation allocates for files not selected to download andar bug major Unknown
#977 Unwanted files and directories are kept andar bug minor Core
#984 Can't browse in ajax web UI andar bug minor Unknown
#1038 Homepage/FAQ/Community under Help menu cause GTKui 100% CPU andar bug major GTK UI
#1060 After open a file from files tab, cpu (core) load become almost 100% andar bug major GTK UI
#1061 Move storage for non-started files andar bug minor Unknown
#1078 Deluge fails when I try to add a torrent from iceweasel andar bug major Core
#1131 Deluge fails to download only selected files bug major Unknown
#1135 Options Tab and Preferences window are conflicting bug major Unknown
#1153 deluge should not allow multiple instances of itself to be run bug major Unknown
#1159 "Availability" info on seeded torrents shows zero bug minor 1.3 Core
#1173 Progress bar graphic overlapping sort bar bug trivial GTK UI
#1252 High CPU load if you open a folder or file from the "Files" tab bug minor GTK UI
#1356 Deluge 1.3.0 client can not fetch torrents list from Deluge 1.2.3 daemon. bug major 1.3 Unknown
#1378 W3C Errors on Deluge main page bug trivial Unknown
#1379 Deluge keeps trying to load net-pf-10 when ipv6 is disabled bug trivial Future Core
#1396 "Open" and "Open Folder" context menu items cause 100% CPU usage bug major GTK UI
#1480 Opening any link from deluge causing 100% cpu load under Ubuntu 10.10 bug major 1.3.2 GTK UI
#1492 Deluge thought daemon is local because of SSH tunnel? bug minor Future GTK UI
#1518 [win32] If deluged is running, starting classic mode deluge results in unhandled error bug minor 1.3.2 Core
#1532 Icon missing for 'tnt village' tracker bug trivial GTK UI
#1543 Plugin label/webUI: where I can configure it in webUI? Damien Churchill bug trivial Future Web UI
#2012 "Download location" bug bug minor GTK UI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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