Custom Query (169 matches)


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Results (76 - 100 of 169)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#213 disk space check no good with gvfs fuse markybob bug minor 0.5.x
#220 deluge crash on AVIRA ANTIVIR update markybob bug blocker 0.5.x
#232 Deluge version 5.8.9 on Ubuntu 8.04 markybob bug trivial 0.5.x
#243 Speed limit does not work inside LAN. markybob bug major 0.5.x
#264 Deluge opens malformed URLs in browser markybob bug minor 0.5.x
#266 Wrong ETA when some files of a torrent are not downloaded markybob bug trivial 0.5.x
#305 Window does not restore to maximized state, if you restore it from minimized state markybob bug major 0.5.x
#306 The context menu of the taskbar icon does not show the options markybob bug major 0.5.x
#314 Web seeding gets at 16kB rather than torrent piece size markybob bug major 0.5.x
#323 Timestamp in Event Log Tab markybob feature-request minor 1.2.0 Plugin
#326 Multiple trackers markybob bug critical 0.5.x
#334 Add url does not accept url-encoded characters markybob bug minor 0.5.x
#339 system tray behaves strange under windows xp markybob bug major 0.5.x
#392 Deluge does not compile with BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS defined markybob bug minor 0.5.x
#408 (Linux) More distros availables ! markybob feature-request major 0.5.x
#663 ETA averaging markybob feature-request major GTK UI
#789 seperate packages for gui and core markybob feature-request minor Packaging
#221 DBusException at /torrent/add mvoncken bug trivial Web UI
#284 Deluge WebUI Plugin contains an invalid security certificate mvoncken bug minor Web UI
#324 WebUI hangs if there is not enough space to complete a download mvoncken bug trivial Web UI
#866 Move Torrent functionality mvoncken bug trivial Web UI
#976 Minimize to tray on minimize feature-request trivial Future GTK UI
#1131 Deluge fails to download only selected files bug major Unknown
#1135 Options Tab and Preferences window are conflicting bug major Unknown
#1137 FreeBSD port broken defect critical Core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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