Custom Query (169 matches)


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Results (101 - 125 of 169)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1061 Move storage for non-started files andar bug minor Unknown
#1159 "Availability" info on seeded torrents shows zero bug minor 1.3 Core
#1186 Integrated RSS Plugin John Garland plugin-request minor 2.x Plugin
#1203 Error in Trac: "Browse Source" defect minor Unknown
#1252 High CPU load if you open a folder or file from the "Files" tab bug minor GTK UI
#1366 Default download path feature-request minor Future GTK UI
#1492 Deluge thought daemon is local because of SSH tunnel? bug minor Future GTK UI
#1518 [win32] If deluged is running, starting classic mode deluge results in unhandled error bug minor 1.3.2 Core
#1552 Make building included libtorrent aware of multi-core/SMP systems. feature-request minor Future Packaging
#1568 deluge-gtk quit option feature-request minor Future GTK UI
#1880 Qt UI feature-request minor Future Unknown
#1933 Tracker request plugin-request minor Plugin
#2012 "Download location" bug bug minor GTK UI
#2048 Can't set file priorities on seeding torrents bug minor GTK UI
#2114 Connection manager shows wrong info when connected to localhost bug minor 1.3.6 GTK UI
#2123 Custom destination path should add without "move on complete" bug minor 1.3.6 Unknown
#2233 Deluge client assumes uses local file system when connected to server over ssh tunnel feature-request minor Future GTK UI
#2251 iOS 6 Caching WebUI json POST requests Damien Churchill bug minor Future Web UI
#2252 Handle magnet:// links Damien Churchill bug minor Future Web UI
#2306 [label] No possible to set "stop seeding ratio" below 1.00 bug minor Future Plugin
#2332 Speed optimizations to torrent.get_status patch minor performance Core
#2336 [win32] Deluge crashes when remote desktop disconnects/logs off bug minor not applicable GTK UI
#2498 Cannot unset 'Automatically Add torrents on connect' bug minor Future GTK UI
#2722 "Use this proxy for all connection types" feature-request minor Future GTK UI
#2732 "Stop seeding" value has inconsistent constraints in different context bug minor GTK UI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.